How to increase your visibility on the online sphere while controlling your expenses? Which new channels you have not thought of yet, could you use to reach new clients and make more sales? Through concrete international and Czech business cases Francois Bieber, CEO of Kwanko Group and Julie Tebeka, responsible for the Czech market will explain to you how to best optimize your online ads.
Část prezentace bude v anglickém jazyce bez tlumočení.
After graduating from Centrale Lyon in 1991, a well-known French Engineering School, François Bieber started his career in Strategic consulting and gained extensive experience as senior management consultant in the financial and insurance industries. His main responsability was to advise European financial establishments in their business strategies. He then held marketing and strategy positions with Crédit Immobilier de France that he joined in 1999 as Head of Marketing.
He created the Kwanko Group in 2003 and successfully lauched NetAffiliation, the e-marketing brand, the following year. In his 7 years as CEO of Kwanko, François Bieber led the company through almost a decade of constant evolution and growth to an industry leading position in the e-marketing industry. From two at the very beginning, the company now counts over 130 employees, four overseas offices and claims over 40M€ turnover.
François Bieber holds an associate position with B. I. Management & Consulting and the hedge fund Kalao Finance. He is also a member of the International Board Croissance Plus and an active member of the Rotary Club.
Absolventka Fakulty marketingu a mezinárodního obchodu na pařížské Sorbonně Univerzita. Po studiích Julie odešla do Prahy, kde bydlela dva roky.
Tam působila v oddělení online komunikace a propagace společnosti Francouzsko-české obchodní komory (FČOK). Měla na starosti hlavně časopis FČOK (print a web) a propagaci francouzských regionů u českých podnikatelů.
Po návratu do Francie pracuje ve společnostech, které se specializují na vývoz reklamních výrobků a stará se o jejich online reklamu.
Dneska Julie Tebeka pracuje ve skupině NetAffiliation jako Business Developer pro Česku republiku. Specializovala se na výkonnostní marketing. Pomáhá českým společnostem při optimalizaci jejich online reklamy.